The obligatory Vegan MoFo post

It's that time of year again – yep, MoFo is back. Let the blogging frenzy commence.

For my theme this year, I'll be cooking (and veganising) English food.

Despite being English, I don't really cook much 'English' food – I'd much rather cook up a bit of Japanese or Mexican.  It's time to change all that, and rediscover my food roots!

Making dishes from your own country might seem a massive stretch, but English food has traditionally been unappetising, heavy and very definitely vegan-unfriendly. Think lots of meat, lots of heavy desserts, and if vegetables do figure anywhere, they're traditionally boiled til they beg for mercy and relieve themselves of any trace nutrients.

So, for this month, I'll be making vegan versions of old favourites I loved as a kid, regional treats from around the country, and proper ye olde recipes that I'd never heard of before.

Wish me luck - all suggestions of what to cook welcome!
Shepherds pie recipe: Vegan MoFo
More experiments from Artisan Vegan Cheese


  1. That's a great theme! Can't wait to see what you do! I'll be watching for the full English breakfast! :-)

  2. Yay MoFo!!! I'm excited about their new system of moving it up by a month each year. And I'm excited to see what you come up with veganizing English food :D

  3. So anxious to try your recipes; please include mushy peas!!

  4. My God, I can't believe vegan MoFo is already here! I wanted to do it, but damn that snuck up. I can't wait to see your English food posts!!

  5. Bangers and mash coming our way? Bring it on.

  6. Your theme sounds great Joey! Looking forward to seeing what you get up to during the month. Do you have a favourite cottage pie recipe? I would be interested to see a post about that or a savoury pie.

  7. Brill, really glad you're doing MoFo again. Will look forward to the posts. x

  8. So looking forward to your recipes!

  9. Love your English theme, Joey!

  10. OMG I'm so looking forward to his, Joey! I <3 English foods!!!!

  11. Hi nice to find you! I write a blog called Deerly Beloved Bakery and am based in Norwich UK! Can't wait to read all your yummy MoFo posts! Best wishes Kayleigh X

  12. Hi nice to find you! I write a blog called Deerly Beloved Bakery and am based in Norwich UK! Can't wait to read all your yummy MoFo posts! Best wishes Kayleigh X

  13. Your blog title made me chortle when I saw it in the MoFo blogroll! I'm always interested in seeing vegan takes on Yorkshire puddings, if you're looking for more suggestions.

  14. What a great idea for a theme :) I'm English too but live in Scotland these days.

    English dishes which spring to mind: roast dinner, Yorkshire puddings, fish and chips, pies/pasties, trifle.

    Good luck with it :)

  15. Great theme, Joey! Really looking forward to seeing all your dishes. :)

  16. Tea and biscuits is alls I'm saying :)

  17. Nice theme! I'm not that into English food but still, it's good to have vegan versions to try. And there are some English foods I haven't been able to try yet, so I'm looking forward to following your recipes!
