Juicy Jones Barcelona restaurant review

We stumbled on Juicy Jones – our second near-Ramblas eaterie of the trip – after a long day of walking and sightseeing, ready to eat food the size of our heads. Happily, that's exactly what Juicy Jones is in the business of serving.

The restaurant itself is big and colourful, a flouro-walled, hippie-spirited place that was packed out with both locals and tourists on our visit.

The menu's a simple (and all-vegan) one, mainly sandwiches, salads and tapas, with a very appealing three course set menu and, as the name suggests, a mean line in juices.

We both cut straight to the chase with bocadillos – big, chunky sarnies served in wholemeal bread that you need both hands to get around.

I opted for the Tofu Bocadillo, filled with lettuce, sprouts, red onion, carrot, deliciously chewy and toothsome tofu and a big splash of soy sauce. Soy sauce in a sanger is a new one on me, but I can't say it didn't work – the salty tang was a welcome addition.

The tofu bocadillo pulled of the cunning trick of being healthy, hunger-killing and tasty all in one – full marks!

My other half's sarnie – the Toscano Bocadillo – was a big riot of greenery, with lettuce, green beans (another new and welcome addition to may sandwich repertoire) and sun dried tomatoes, served in equally two-fist-needing bread.  The boyfriend had food envy for my tofu bocadillo, but the toscano seemed a close second to me.

As well as a cold red wine (cold appears to be the way vino tinto often gets served in Spain), we both got juices – his a deliciously fresh, slightly acidic apple and kiwi, and mine a more milkshake-y affair, called the Banana Gogo.

Seriously, it was one of the best things I put down my neck during the holiday – a wonderously sweet, thick, rich moreish mix of coconut, banana, soy milk and I forget what else, served in a pint measure.

And if that hadn't filled up what remained of my empty stomach space, the basket of sliced bread definitely did. Maybe we didn't need more bread after our sandwich odyssey, but it would definitely have been a welcome addition to the three course menu.

We didn't try that, but it looked like a steal at €8-ish – a choice of soup, hummus, salad or more for first course, a thali or wok dish for main, and desserts including cake, cookies or fruit.

The only downside was the service – slower than a dog doing algebra, although none the less friendly for it.
Juicy Jones has two locations in the city, both offering cafe style grub. On the basis of our visit, it's clear why they're packed. 

Juicy Jones
(no website)
74 Carrer de l'Hospital
(+34) 934 439 082


7 Carrer del Cardenal Casañas
(+34) 933 02 43 30

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  1. Love Juicy Jones. I lived in Barca for 6 months last year and it was one of my fave places to eat (probably 2nd to Gopal)I remember the Banana Gogo smoothie well :) I always went to the one on the other side of Las Ramblas which tends to be quieter.

  2. oh wow - what a lovely city! What was your favourite place to eat while you were out there?

    LOVED the Banana Gogo!

    1. Gopal was my favourite. I hope you made it there. I was just a tad obsessed with the Lujuria Vegan carrot cake they sell there. I definitely tried a good few of their burgers as well!

    2. Argh, I nearly went there! One for next time, then!

  3. I am not a huge fan of green beans but I'm really interested in the idea of them on a sandwich with sundried tomatoes...Were they raw or cooked?
    The smoothie looks super thick and amazing.

    1. They were cooked, almost dehydrated - all chewy and crispy and very, very good!

  4. I am so jealous of your proximity to other countries! What an awesome review, please feel free to continue these (I'm catching up, noticed this is the second one from Spain!), and allow me to travel vicariously through you. :)

    The sandwich and smoothie both look amazing.

    1. There will be more coming - I think seven or eight in total.

      Ability to get to other countries is one good thing about living in Blighty - posts from Copenhagen and Amsterdam also probably coming this year (so excited!)

  5. That place looks like so much fun! Did you stumble upon it as in find it randomly, or did you stumble upon on purpose? Random vegan restaurant find would be so freaking exciting.

    1. This one we stumbled on on purpose, but we did stumble on a ton of others accidentally - I'm going to do a post about that in a while. There was much excitement when we found a vegan bar randomly!

  6. The decor is awesome, so hippy! That sammie looks like a beast, I enjoy hearty food like that. I love going to all-vegan restaurants and having full reign on the entire menu, such a treat!

    1. So true - having the full run of the place makes eating out even better!
