Hearts of palm salad and the end of summer

Summer in the UK is coming to end. I'd forgive you for not noticing, it's not been a season over burden with sun, but still, it's almost done nonetheless.

It's a thought that struck me this week, and I realised that before long, I'd be having to stop eating salads  and start eating all the heavy, carby food that autumn brings. That's wouldn't be a bad thing - but I realised I'd hardly eaten salad all this summer!

Blame the weather, blame lack of inspiration, but not much in the way of leafy greens and raw veggies had passed my lips.

Couple a desire to eat salad with a desire to clean out random cans of crap from my cupboards, and you have Heart of Palm Salad - my last, weepy nod to a departing summer!

The recipe is taken from this one on Kalyn's Kitchen, with red onion swapped for spring onion, and some roasted pumpkin seeds thrown in for good measure.

There was neither enough lime or coriander (cilantro if you'd rather) on the salad, but I think that was might light-handedness rather than Kalyn's.

With a few slices of buttered soughdour, this salad went down a treat. If summer realise is about to disappear, at least we can it a decent send-off.
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  1. Wow, it looks perfect and sounds like a great summer send-off. I don't often eat hearts of palm but they are pretty fun. Unless I'm mistaken, I've also seen people use them as a vegan seafood substitution (scallops, maybe?)

  2. yeah, I must get around to trying palm hearts, I have to admit I've never tried them. Good?

  3. Oh yeah, salads! I always forget about them too, ha ha. I truly lurve heart of palm but it`s so expensive here (like $8 for a can), so it`ll have to be a treat for a wealthier time. :) And I don`t know what the temperatures are like in your neck of the woods, but once summer disappears here in Saskatchewan, it feels like 6 months of winter. Okay, maybe not that bad. More like 5 months. Grim times, but it`ll be my last winter here at least!
