A late Christmas post

I'll be taking down the Christmas decorations today while a hangover gently tugs at my brain and I have to put away all things Noel for another 12 months.

I love Christmas, with its sparkly lights, parties, bonhomie and complete reckless overindulgence, and now I have to say goodbye to it until next December.

Before I do, though, I'd like to raise a glass (of water - this hangover's not been kind) to the Christmas dinner - a fine feast in the middle of one of the year's most charmless months.

This Chrimbo, I went for the Vegetarian Society's Smoked Bean Curd Bakes with Shiitake and Walnut Stuffing (don't worry, it's all vegan - not a whiff of dairy or egg to be had) with pigs in blankets made from Redwood Rashers and Taifun cocktail sausages, along with carrots, parsnips, roast potatoes, sprouts and gravy.

I'd been planning to make this recipe for vegan Sticky Toffee Pudding but was so full after Christmas dinner, I just couldn't manage it.

I need to be cooking this sort of heavy, rich, belt-busting wonderfulness on a regular basis. Note to self: Christmas dinner is too good to do just one a year.
New Year nibbles
One week of cooking from Veganomicon


  1. Ooh, I totally agree! Christmas dinner should not just be for Christmas. When you get room to eat the sticky toffee pudding I can recommend it. I made it one year instead of Christmas pud and it was great. All the best for 2012!

  2. Your Chrissy meal looks delcious, I'll have to bookmark it for next year
