Eating vegan in Wroclaw: Where to get a good feed in Poland's hipster paradise

Wroclaw's charms grew on me slowly: I didn't expect to enjoy this dinky, hipster little city as much as I did. We spent a couple of days in the city in between visiting Krakow, and I wished I'd got to stay longer than I did.

Like Krakow, Wroclaw is full of good places for vegans to eat. Here are a few we enjoyed during our brief visit.

Vega has an enviable location on Wroclaw's main square, so if you can grab a table outside, it's perfect to see the city's comings and goings. It's also great for getting an early bite, as it's open from 8am in the week, and 9am on weekdays. It's also all vegan, which is a definite plus point in this herbivore's humble opinion. That said, I wasn't wowed by Vega, aside from its lovely location.

The service was just not nice, and the food was OK. 

We got a tofu scramble and what were described as sausages, but what were more like frankfurters. The bread was a bit on the dry side, but tasted good, while the scramble tasted decent but wept clear cooking oil, but the franks were good - not sure they needed a half pint of mayonnaise with them though.

We decided to compound our misery by ordering some chocolate cake (because breakfasts should always be two courses, obviously).  The cake isn't of the baked kind, it's made with chia, so it should have more of a moussey texture. Unfortunately, I think it had sat a bit too long, and taking a fork to it reminded me of popping a particularly recalcitrant blister.

Pierogi Vegan
As I have rhapsodised on many occasions, I love dumplings in all their forms, and since arriving in Poland, I'd been seeking my fill of pierogi. You can imagine how excited I was when I walked past a place called Pierogi Vegan. Sadly, I have to report that not all the pierogi at Pierogi Vegan are, as you might reasonably expect, vegan. Happilu, along with a lot of dairy-cheesy ones, there are a quite few vegan options, including traditional, Greek, Russian, and Oriental inspired, as well as dessert pierogis. They might not look like the most attractive little parcels, but they're filled with all sort of delights. It's an ideal stop to get your dumpling on in the pierogi's home country.

Baszta is a wee bit outside of the normal tourist area, but definitely worth the journey. It's an all-vegan Thai place, spread over several floors. There are a couple of outside tables for enjoying the evening sun too, which is always welcome. There were a few choices of main meal - think Thai curries in all the prettiest colours of the rainbow - alongside some starters and sides. We ploughed right into a red and yellow curry and loved them both. They were both huge and flavoursome, spicy without a lot of accompanying heat.

We only got to eat a fraction of the delicious vegan foods on offer in Wroclaw, but for lucky vegans travelling to the city, you don't need to worry about eating well. I loved the city and I'd really like to go back before too long, so if you've got any tips on any other top places to eat, drop me a line in the comments below.

Readymade tofu scramble: Experiments with a Bonsan breakfast
What I learned from a two-week spending ban


  1. Oh how I envy thee, I haven't been overseas in years for a holiday :( And with BREXIT looming, travelling in EU nations will get harder. Good to see that there is a good offering of food, and you ate well indeed.

  2. The pierogi look great, and what a colorful curry!

  3. you have me craving pierogi - though that description of the chocolate cake might stay with me longer than I wish - eurgh! hope the tourist operators have got friendlier in poland than when I visited 20 years ago.
