Kale - where have you been all my life, you sexy leaf?

After a failed attempt to give blood earlier this year - "Take it, damn you, take it!" "But we don't want it!" "Take it - it's good stuff. I can spare it - go on..." - the thought that getting some more iron into my diet was probably a good idea has been nagging at me.

Hence, I turned to kale.

Which is funny, because I really, really don't like it.

But, as a kid, I thought beer tasted weird and anyone who drank wine was a tad simple. Needless to say, after persistent experiments with grain and grape, a love affair with both began.

Maybe, I thought, kale could be my new crush and embarked on this little dish.

And blow me, this could well be the start of a love affair. A second date with me and kale is definitely on the cards.

Potato and kale cakes

4 garlic cloves
A big-ass potato, about the size of a good big fist
1 teaspoon of caraway seeds
1 teaspoon of black onion seeds
Half a teaspoon of onion granules/powder
Good shaking of celery salt
A few fistfuls of kale, chopped into ribbons
1 heaped dessertspoon of gram flour (also goes by the stage name of besan flour or chickpea flour)
Oil for frying

How to do it
Cut the potato into dice and boil until tender. Mash and set to one side to cool.
Meanwhile, slice the garlic and fry for a couple of minutes.
When the garlic has had a chance to cook a bit, chuck in the kale and fry lightly for about 10 minutes until cooked through and slightly crispy.
Stir the kale, the onion seeds, powder, celery salt, caraway seeds and gram flour into the mashed potato and mix well.
Roll into balls a bit bigger than a golf ball, than pat down into patties.
Fry in a little olive oil until slightly brown then flip and do the other side, like you're trying to give it a good tan.
Once browned, put the cakes in a oven at about 200 degrees for about 15 minutes.
They're good shit.

Note: all the spice measures are approximate. I get too excited when I'm cooking to record the measures properly. Add more to taste.

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