Vegan in Caen: This under-the-radar city is a vegan food spot you don't want to miss

Have you ever arrived somewhere on holiday and then had the sudden realisation you've made a terrible mistake? That this place wasn't what you thought and it definitely wasn't what you wanted? That happened to me in Caen.

I turned up on a rainy day, to a less than lovely part of town, and thought I really should have done more research before I arrived and gone somewhere else instead. 

Turns out this story has a happy ending. First impressions were completely wrong. It's a great town. The people are cool. There's lots to do. The old town has great bars. And best of all, there's shedloads of great vegan food to be had. 

Greedy Guts

Greedy Guts is an oddly named but otherwise great vegan restaurant, tucked away down a fairy-light-clad side alley in the centre of Caen. The owner treats you like a long lost cousin. The music is mainly disco bangers. The food is hearty, French-inflected vegan fare. 

I chose the vegan cake, because I've never tried savoury cake and it only seems to exist in France, so I thought I should take the opportunity when it presented itself. 

Savoury cake is normally like a sponge cake. Greedy Guts' version was more like a thick farinata, crammed full of olives, vegan mozzarella, and other treats. There's some guacamole on the side, a bit of salad, and some of the best chips I've had for a long time. 

 My recommendation: come hungry. The portion sizes are not for the faint of stomach. 

Having polished off my substantial cake, I picked a financier for dessert, on the grounds that financiers are normally small, dainty things and I could happily accommodate one after a humungous main course. The financier that came out was a massive doorstop of a cake. So, come hungry. 

There's a really appealing warmth and heartiness to Greedy Guts food and its welcome, and I would happily go back. 

Greedy Guts
Au fond de l’impasse, 15 Rue de Bras, 14000 Caen, France
+33 2 31 93 38 52

Moon and Sons

Have you ever wanted to go to a wizard-themed junk food pub? If so, Caen is clearly the place for you.

I'm not even joking: Moon and Sons is a pub decked out in wizard themed decor (think racks of potions, bubbling cauldrons and the like), and its menu is entirely junk food - think burgers, hot dogs and all that good stuff. 

Mr Flickingthevs got a burger. I had a yearning for hachis parmentier, which is pretty much like French cottage pie. It wasn't on that day, so I settled for a no-fish-and-chips combo, with the role of 'fish' being played by battered sheets of nori. 

The food was serviceable, but realistically, you're not going to Moon and Sons just for the food, you're going there to pretend to be a witch for a bit. 

Side note: we went in the evening, but they're open during the day and serve all sorts of goodies including massive cinnamon buns. I'd definitely go check those out if I went back. 

Moon and Sons
20 Avenue de la Libération, 14000 Caen, France
+33 2 31 74 05 01


If you're one of those people that likes coffee - really, really likes coffee - then you need to go to Arbuste. If you're one of those people that just likes coffee or likes it a little bit, you still need to go to Arbuste.

Arbuste is one of those cafes that really takes its coffee seriously. The staff can tell you the bean's provenance and its tasting notes and all the other good stuff that coffee connoisseurs like. If you just fancy a cup of coffee without all the learning, they'll do you one of those and it'll be delicious. 

And did I mention that Arbuste is all vegan? So you can get plant milks and great vegan baked goods. We went there a couple of times just after they opened and were able to get warm cakes just out of the oven and they were delightful. 

4 Rue Montoir Poissonnerie, 14000 Caen, France
+33 2 61 92 11 67

Funky Doughny

If baked good are your thing, then you definitely need to save some room for a visit to Funky Doughny. 

As you might have guessed by the name, Funky Doughny does doughnuts, and they do them very, very well. There are plain doughnuts, fancy doughnuts, topped doughnuts - you get the idea. Normally, I can be a bit take-it-or-leave-it with doughnuts, but on a rainy day in Caen, Funky Doughny smashed it out of the park - these doughnuts are definitely ones you need to take, not leave. 

Mr Flickingthevs chose the biscoff doughnut, I feasted on the pear and chocolate. Definitely a recommend from me. 

Funky Doughny
7 Rue de Geôle, 14000 Caen, France
+33 2 31 71 87 36

Falafel & Veg

If you read my recent trip report from Rouen, you'll have read me waxing lyrical about how much I love Lebanese food and found a great Lebanese restaurant there.

Caen also has a great Lebanese restaurant, and has the added advantage of being all-veggie with a lot of vegan options. 

The Falafel & Veg menu is stuffed with lots of treat individual dishes - falafel, moutabel, fatayer, vine leaves, and foules medames to name but a few. But it's also equipped with lots of combos - a chance to try lots of things from the menu in tiny format. The Falafel & Veg combo is all vegan - there's falafel, houmous, vine leaves, fried veggies, salad, and makdouss, as well as flatbread and tea on the side. We ordered fatayer, because we thought we might need more food. We were very, very wrong.

By the time our lovely server had finished bringing out all the dishes of amazing food, the table was absolutely covered in deliciousness, with barely room for a fork or a cup of tea. 

We finished it all, because it was that good.

Falafel & Veg
19 Pass. d'Escoville, 14000 Caen, France
+33 9 73 36 80 61

Triple V

Triple V was the last stop on our food tour of Caen. It's a dinky, bright cafe in the town centre, serving a couple of choices for starter and main course, as well as cakes and desserts. 

I got the quiche, which was actually pretty nice (I love a quiche with a tofu base):

Mr Flickingthevs got something that was described as a sweet potato burger, which I thought would be a sweet potato patty in a bun. Instead, the bun was two slices of sweet potato with... I don't really know what in the middle. I didn't think it was entirely a success, but Mr Flickingthevs seemed happy enough.

Triple V
12 Rue Froide, 14000 Caen, France
+33 2 31 43 65 66

So there you have it - a whistlestop tour of all the great places I had cracking vegan food in Caen. As a city, it really exceeded my expectations. I really didn't think when I arrived that I'd be leaving with only good things to say about the place. It's a really nice city to spend a few days in, and definitely worth a trip as a vegan.